Program assessment

Answering these questions will make it easier to understand how CiviForm and other tools should adapt to the needs of applicants and program staff. Answering these questions can help form a journey map of applicants and program staff experiences to inform where and how changes might be implemented.

What department or organization administers this program?

What challenges do you face in administering or managing this program?

Any details are fine, the challenges do not need to be technology-related.

How do residents typically find out about the program?

Include websites, community organizations, or other channels.

Where or how do residents typically submit applications to the program?

Include websites, electronic forms, paper forms, community organizations, program offices, or other channels.

Do residents typically apply on their own, or do they receive assistance in applying?

For example, from program staff, call centers, community organizations, social workers, or others.

How many applications do you process each (day, week, month, year)?

What information is necessary to apply to the program?

Share a link to the form or application, or share the questions directly here.

How long do applications typically take to be completed (from start to submission)?

Once submitted, how long do applications take to be processed (from submission to approval)?

What steps are involved in the life cycle of applying to the program, processing an application, and delivering benefits?

Include the end-to-end life cycle from discovery to the delivery of benefits in as much detail as you can manage, including typical timelines, individuals or roles involved, and steps from both the applicant side and the program/administrative side (and any other stakeholders involved).

For example:

Discovery and application (X minutes total):

  1. Resident discovers program through local community group

  2. Resident fills out application X via website at with help from local staff member (30 minutes)

  3. Resident comes into program office to drop off paper form (30 minutes)

  4. Paper form is prepared for processing by program staff in X group (once daily)

Processing (X days total):

  1. Program staff is assigned an application to process (once daily)

  2. Program staff begins processing application within X days after submission

  3. Program staff from group A enters information into computer system Y

  4. Program staff cross-references data in systems Y and Z

  5. Program staff calls applicant to verify information D (X minutes)

  6. Applicant must bring document D into office (X days waiting)

  7. Program staff verifies document D against database Y (X minutes)

  8. Application is approved. Status is shared with applicant through system Y (X days)

Delivery (X days total):

  1. Approved application is marked for delivery in system A (once per application manually, 10 minutes)

  2. Data is exported from system A to system B for fulfillment (once daily for all applications automatically)

  3. Benefits are delivered through mail (X days)

(feel free to adjust these section categories or use your own)

Discovery and application (X minutes total):

  1. ...

  2. ...

  3. ...

Processing (X days total):

  1. ...

  2. ...

  3. ...

Delivery (X days total):

  1. ...

  2. ...

  3. ...

What applications, systems, websites, tools, or other resources are used to process information or applications for this program?

Include tools used at all steps, including for application intake, record-keeping, benefits processing and delivery, status notification, data aggregation, reporting, or any other tools.

Do you cross-check eligibility information or other details with any other programs or data sources?

Do you report your program data to any organizations or stakeholders? What do you report and how is it reported?

Last updated

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