

Configuration options for CiviForm branding.


Small logo for the civic entity used on the login page.

  • Type: string


The short display name of the civic entity, will use 'TestCity' if not set.

  • Type: string


The full display name of the civic entity, will use 'City of TestCity' if not set.

  • Type: string


The URL of a 32x32 or 16x16 pixel favicon image, in GIF, PNG, or ICO format.

  • Type: string

External Services

Configures connections to external services the CiviForm server relies on.

Applicant Identity Provider

Configuration options for the applicant identity provider.


What identity provider to use for applicants.

  • Type: string

  • Allowed values:

    • idcs

    • login-radius

    • generic-oidc

    • login-gov

    • auth0

    • disabled


URI to create a new account in the applicant identity provider.

  • Type: string


The name of the portal that applicants log into, used in sentences like 'Log into your APPLICANT_PORTAL_NAME account.'

  • Type: string

Oracle Identity Cloud Service

Configuration options for the idcs provider.


An opaque public identifier for apps that use OIDC (OpenID Connect) to request data from authorization servers, specifically communicating with IDCS. A Civiform instance is always the client.

  • Type: string


A secret known only to the client (Civiform) and authorization server, specifically for IDCS OIDC systems. This secret essentially acts as the client’s “password” for accessing data from the auth server.

  • Type: string


A URL that returns a JSON listing of OIDC (OpenID Connect) data associated with the IDCS auth provider.

  • Type: string

Login Radius

Configuration options for the login-radius provider


The API key used to interact with LoginRadius.

  • Type: string


The base URL to construct SAML endpoints, based on the SAML2 spec.

  • Type: string


The name for the app, based on the SAML2 spec.

  • Type: string


Name of the SAML2 keystore, used to store digital certificates and private keys for SAML auth.

  • Type: string


The password used the protect the integrity of the SAML keystore file.

  • Type: string


The password used to protect the private key of the SAML digital certificate.

  • Type: string

OpenID Connect

Configuration options for the generic-oidc provider.


Enables central logout.

  • Type: bool


By default the 'end_session_endpoint' from the auth provider discovery metadata file is used as the logout endpoint. However for some integrations that standard flow might not work and we need to override logout URL.

  • Type: string


URL param used to pass the post logout redirect url in the logout request to the auth provider. It defaults to 'post_logout_redirect_uri' if this variable is unset. If this variable is set to the empty string, the post logout redirect url is not passed at all and instead it needs to be hardcoded on the the auth provider (otherwise the user won't be redirected back to civiform after logout).

  • Type: string


The name of the OIDC (OpenID Connect) auth provider (server), such as “Auth0” or “LoginRadius”.

  • Type: string


An opaque public identifier for apps that use OIDC (OpenID Connect) to request data from authorization servers. A Civiform instance is always the client.

  • Type: string


A secret known only to the client (Civiform) and authorization server. This secret essentially acts as the client’s “password” for accessing data from the auth server.

  • Type: string


A URL that returns a JSON listing of OIDC (OpenID Connect) data associated with a given auth provider.

  • Type: string


Informs the auth server of the desired auth processing flow, based on the OpenID Connect spec.

  • Type: string


Informs the auth server of the mechanism to be used for returning response params from the auth endpoint, based on the OpenID Connect spec.

  • Type: string


Scopes the client (CiviForm) is requesting in addition to the standard scopes the OpenID Connect spec provides.

  • Type: string


The locale of the user, such as “en-US”.

  • Type: string


The OIDC attribute name for the user’s email address.

  • Type: string


The OIDC attribute name for the user’s first name.

  • Type: string


The OIDC attribute name for the user’s middle name.

  • Type: string


The OIDC attribute name for the user’s last name.

  • Type: string


Configuration options for the login-gov provider


An opaque public identifier for apps that use OIDC (OpenID Connect) to request data from authorization servers, specifically communicating with Login.gov. A Civiform instance is always the client.

  • Type: string


A URL that returns a JSON listing of OIDC (OpenID Connect) data associated with a given auth provider, specifically for Login.gov.

  • Type: string


Scopes the client (CiviForm) is requesting in addition to the standard scopes the OpenID Connect spec provides. Scopes should be separated by a space.

  • Type: string


Authentication Context Class Reference requests. ial/1 is for open registration, email only. ial/2 is for requiring identity verification.

  • Type: string

  • Allowed values:

    • http://idmanagement.gov/ns/assurance/ial/1

    • http://idmanagement.gov/ns/assurance/ial/2

Administrator Identity Provider

Configuration options for the administrator identity provider.


An opaque public identifier for apps that use OIDC (OpenID Connect) to request data from authorization servers, specifically communicating with ADFS. A Civiform instance is always the client.

  • Type: string


A secret known only to the client (Civiform) and authorization server. This secret essentially acts as the client’s “password” for accessing data from the auth server.

  • Type: string


A URL that returns a JSON listing of OIDC (OpenID Connect) data associated with the IDCS auth provider.

  • Type: string


The name of the admin group in Active Directory, typically used to tell if a user is a global admin.

  • Type: string


Scopes the client (CiviForm) is requesting in addition to the standard scopes the OpenID Connect spec provides. Scopes should be separated by a space.

  • Type: string


The attribute name for looking up the groups associated with a particular user.

  • Type: string


Configures the connection to the PostgreSQL database.


If enabled, playframework down evolutions are automatically applied on server start if needed.

  • Type: bool


Sets how many connections to the database are maintained.

  • Type: int


The database URL.

  • Type: string


The username used to connect to the database.

  • Type: string


The password used to connect to the database.

  • Type: string


Region where the AWS SES service exists. If STORAGE_SERVICE_NAME is set to 'aws', it is also the region where the AWS s3 service exists.

  • Type: string


The email address used for the 'from' email header for emails sent by CiviForm.

  • Type: string

Application File Upload Storage

Configuration options for the application file upload storage provider


What static file storage provider to use.

  • Type: string

  • Allowed values:

    • s3

    • azure-blob


s3 bucket to store files in.

  • Type: string


The max size (in Mb) of files uploaded to s3.

  • Type: string


The azure account name where the blob storage service exists.

  • Type: string


Azure blob storage container name to store files in.

  • Type: string


Allows local Azurite emulator to be used for developer deployments.

  • Type: string

ESRI Address Validation

Configuration options for the ESRI GIS client and address validation/correction feature.


The URL CiviForm will use to call Esri’s findAddressCandidates service.

  • Type: string


Human readable labels used to present the service area validation options in CiviForm’s admin UI.

  • Type: index-list


The value CiviForm uses to validate if an address is in a service area.

  • Type: index-list


The URL CiviForm will use to call Esri’s map query service for service area validation.

  • Type: index-list


The attribute CiviForm checks from the service area validation response to get the service area validation ID.

  • Type: index-list


The number of tries CiviForm will attempt requests to external Esri services.

  • Type: int

Email Addresses

Configuration options for CiviForm email usage.


This email address is listed in the footer for applicants to contact support.

  • Type: string


This email address receives error notifications from CiviForm when things break.

  • Type: string


If this is a staging deployment, the application notification email is sent to this email address instead of the program administrator's email address.

  • Type: string


If this is a staging deployment, the application notification email is sent to this email address instead of the trusted intermediary's email address.

  • Type: string


If this is a staging deployment, the application notification email is sent to this email address instead of the applicant's email address.

  • Type: string

Custom Text

Text specific to a civic entity.

The text for a link on the Common Intake confirmation page that links to more resources. Shown when the applicant is not eligible for any programs in CiviForm.

  • Type: string

The HREF for a link on the Common Intake confirmation page that links to more resources. Shown when the applicant is not eligible for any programs in CiviForm.

  • Type: string


The secret key is used to sign Play's session cookie. This must be changed for production.

  • Type: string


The URL of the CiviForm deployment. Must start with 'https://' or 'http://'.

  • Type: string

  • Validation regular expression: ^(http://|https://)

  • Regular expression examples:

    • http://my-civiform.org should match.

    • https://my-civiform.org should match.

    • my-civiform.org should not match.


DNS name of the staging deployment. Must not start with 'https://' or 'http://'.

  • Type: string

  • Validation regular expression: ^(?!http://|https://)

  • Regular expression examples:

    • my-civiform.org should match.

    • http://my-civiform.org should not match.

    • https://my-civiform.org should not match.


The languages that applicants can choose from when specifying their language preference and that admins can choose from when adding translations for programs and applications.

  • Type: index-list


A Java time zone ID indicating the time zone for this CiviForm deployment. All times in the system will be calculated in this zone. Default value is 'America/Los_Angeles'

  • Type: string


The tag of the docker image this server is running inside. Is added as a HTML meta tag with name 'civiform-build-tag'. If SHOW_CIVIFORM_IMAGE_TAG_ON_LANDING_PAGE is set to true, is also shown on the login page if CIVIFORM_VERSION is the empty string or set to 'latest'.

  • Type: string


The release version of CiviForm. For example: v1.18.0. If SHOW_CIVIFORM_IMAGE_TAG_ON_LANDING_PAGE is set to true, is also shown on the login page if it a value other than the empty string or 'latest'.

  • Type: string


Where to find the IP address for incoming requests. Default is "DIRECT" where the IP address of the request is the originating IP address. If "FORWARDED" then request has been reverse proxied and the originating IP address is stored in the X-Forwarded-For header.

  • Type: string

  • Allowed values:

    • DIRECT



Configuration options for CiviForm observability features.


If enabled, allows server Prometheus metrics to be retrieved via the '/metrics' URL path. If disabled, '/metrics' returns a 404.

  • Type: bool


The Google Analytics tracking ID. If set, Google Analytics JavaScript scripts are added to the CiviForm pages.

  • Type: string

Data Export API

Configuration options for the CiviForm API.


A cryptographic secret salt used for salting API keys before storing their hash values in the database. This value should be kept strictly secret. If one suspects the secret has been leaked or otherwise comprised it should be changed and all active API keys should be retired and reissued. Default value is 'changeme'.

  • Type: string


When true prevents the CiviForm admin from issuing API keys that allow callers from all IP addresses (i.e. a CIDR mask of /0).

  • Type: bool


An integer specifying the maximum number of entries returned in a page of results for the applications export API.

  • Type: int

Durable Jobs

Configuration options for the CiviForm Job Runner.


An integer specifying the polling interval in seconds for the durable job system. A smaller number here increases the polling frequency, which results in jobs running sooner when they are scheduled to be run immediately, at the cost of more pressure on the database. Default value is 5.

  • Type: int


An integer specifying the timeout in minutes for durable jobs i.e. how long a single job is allowed to run before the system attempts to interrupt it. Default value is 30.

  • Type: int


The number of server threads available for the durable job runner. More than a single thread will the server execute multiple jobs in parallel. Default value is 1.

  • Type: int

Feature Flags

Configuration options to enable or disable optional or in-development features.


Enables the feature that allows for service area validation of a corrected address. ESRI_ADDRESS_CORRECTION_ENABLED needs to be enabled.

  • Type: bool


Enables the feature that allows address correction for address questions.

  • Type: bool


If enabled, adds a page in the CiviForm Admin UI for accessing application settings.

  • Type: bool


If enabled, allows questions to be optional in programs. Is enabled by default.

  • Type: bool


If enabled, CiviForm Admins are able to see all applications for all programs. Is disabled by default.

  • Type: bool


If enabled, the value of CIVIFORM_IMAGE_TAG will be shown on the login screen. Is disabled by default.

  • Type: bool


Enables the Common Intake Form feature.

  • Type: bool


Enables the feature that allows setting eligibility criteria to non-gating.

  • Type: bool


If this is a staging deployment and this variable is set to true, a robots noindex metadata tag is added to the CiviForm pages. This causes the staging site to not be listed on search engines.

  • Type: bool


If this is a staging deployment and this variable is set to true, the 'DEMO MODE. LOGIN AS:' buttons are not shown on the login page.

  • Type: bool


Enables the phone number question type.

  • Type: bool

Last updated

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